Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Small Bag of Tricks

This will be the collection site for items that just don't constitute enough content to make paragraph.  However, they're good to know.

How to Hold a Throwline:
Method 1 (preferred by me) - form a Munter hitch around your thumb nail.  It's a hard shell that can handle the friction generated in a throw.  The multiple strands being captured between your thumb and finger likewise spread the friction impact.

Method 2 - Literature recommends forming a slip knot.

How to Loosen a Prusik Hitch:
There came a day when I noticed that I was zipping my Prusik hitch off of the climbing rope in a flash.  It evolved from repetition.  My illustration shows a single thumb.  It's really involves two thumbs with the left one remaining stationary while the right one is in motion.  

To only loosen the Prusik hitch for the purpose of advancing it up the rope, place the thumb into the hitch as shown.  Just don't move the thumb further.

How to Hoist a Rope:
The pile hitch makes for a good attachment to hoist a rope.

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